Thursday, July 31, 2008

The New View from the Front Porch

Thursday, July 31,2008

Here first blog attempt!

The view from my front porch has dramatically changed this week. For the last 9 years I have been staring at a vacant house. And I mean a really, disgusting vacant house. And the house beside it is a vacant house. And I mean a really, disgusting vacant house. It isn't that I live in a bad neighborhood, it's just that the landlords have not taken care of the properties and the houses have also been tied up in bankruptcy.

Honestly, there really are no "bad" parts of my town. I am lucky enough to live in a town of about 10,000 people which swells to several thousand more when the college kids come back to town. Which is happening as we speak. ( It is considerably noticeable since I live about 3 blocks from campus.)

Anyway, my neighbors were recently able to purchase both properties and the houses have come down. (Insert trumpet fanfare here!) I can hear the dozers outside now. Dirt has been brought in and at the end of the day I will be looking at a newly vacated lot. Soon to be a playground for the neighbors' 5 kids and my son, too! There has also been talk of a community garden. Who knows what new life lies ahead for this little piece of the earth. I'm just so thankful that all in the neighborhood will benefit from this improvement!

Today is also a day for me to remember my Grandmother, better known as Gramma Ferguson. Today is her birthday! And even though I lost her in 1996 I still want to say "Happy Birthday, Gramma! I love you!"