Thursday, August 21, 2008

The First Day of Fourth Grade

Yesterday, August 20, 2008, was Sam's first day of fourth grade. He was not very thrilled about it, to say the least. Well, at least I was!!! After being forced to have his picture taken he was off to Eugene Field Elementary and I was back to bed. Yeah!!!

Everyday of Sam's school life, I ask him "How was your day? What did you do today?" and Sam's reply is always "Nothin!" Today was no different. At bedtime he did volunteer a little more information, but not much. He showed off his new planner the school had provided, said he'd done this assignment at school and ask for my signature. He informed me that he was a bus buddy-the fourth graders are assigned a kindergartner to watch over on the bus-but Sam couldn't remember his name. He did remember that the child was a twin. I suggested he try to find out the kid's name and remember it! The only other bit of information I got out of him was that he was glad to see his friend, Frederick.

He'll be home soon, I'll ask the same question and I'm sure all he did today was "Nothin!" But it will sure be good to have him home. It's just a little too quiet around here!

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