Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sliding into Fall....

I just thought I would share a few pictures of the yard before winter takes over. I'm already making plans for next year. I can't wait to go to Flying Frog Farms again. It's the best hosta place ever!!! I didn't manage to get everything on my list that I wanted this year, (say it ain't so)! I guess that just gives me a head start on next year's list!

Jan and I found these adorable snails at the downtown Des Moines' farmer's market. We both had to take one home to our garden. They are made out of rocks and metal. Check them out at!

Here's a picture of an urn that I think must have belonged to my great-grandparents. It was broken into several pieces and I had to have it welded. They set the bowl on the
diagonal on the base. It bothers me. I think I'll have them re-do it. For some reason it just annoys me. Anybody else have an opinion on this? There is a label still attached on the base. It was made by Stewart Ironworks Co. of Cincinatti, Ohio around the turn of the century. The company is still in business although they have relocated. I keep it filled with a Boston fern. The hosta in the front is Paradigm, I believe. It's a gorgeous hosta!

Here's a picture with the fern. It almost covers up the urn! Hmmm....I'll have to think of something different for next year! Any suggestions?

My morning glories finally bloomed. They are climbing around an armillary that Mom got me for Christmas several years ago. It sits in the middle of a raised gardenbed, which I commonly refer to as the cat pan. One of these days I'm going to have to work on this!

Well, I'm not even sure how many hours it has taken me to get to this point. I'm no computer whiz as those who have gotten phone calls for advice well know! So with a glass of wine in hand and steaks on the grill I shall bid you adieu! Until next time....

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